
Set Up Your Ministry

From the vision God gives you, the dream, to sharing it with the world He sent you to: we will walk you through a simple, basic six to twelve-week program to get you set up and materialize your ministry's website, social media, print material, and event advertising.

Team Up Your Ministry

Paraphrase: "It is not good that the missionary should be alone." Work happily and yet freely in a committed team of fellow ministry leaders connecting quarterly through roundtable collaboration and weekly in the midst of the work... of taking their city for Christ!

Multiply Your Ministry

Ministry Hubs are being established now in every zip code of the innercity to provide you with a mulitple amount of buzzing work environments where you and your growing team can rotate your services and enlarge your outreach in a city waiting to be loved.


Commonly Asked Questions

To apply, please click here. You will then be taken to the online application, found on our central site at the S.A.L.T.

There is no fee, just a minimal donation that we encourage you to give to keep this work going, growing and activating more dreamers and visionaries like you.

Right away! We can hardly wait to hear what God has placed in your heart. Hallelujah!

Salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ, faith and a determination to act upon that faith, no matter what the Devil hurls at you, as articulated

  • In a one page paper  that includes who you are called to reach, how you envision reaching them, and why.

At the end of the twelve-week training period, you will be asked to present a slide presentation containing the following.

  1. A data driven analysis of your assigned mission field in projected before & after format.
  2. A personal case study of someone you have begun assisting that includes a testimonial from them.
  3. Recommendations for further establishing your ministry in the next ten months, and for enlarging the work in the following year.
  4. Closing summary with commentary.

In deep appreciation for your work, during a farewell fellowship given in your honor,

  • A witness award will be presented, along with
  • A professional letter of recommendation, and
  • Official acceptance as an Ambassador of the S.A.L.T.


Just click here and reach out. We very sincerely look forward to hearing from you!

You Heard Him And...

No one is taking you seriously, but you know what God wants you to do. From his cross, from the mountain. from his throne above, listen to Him. Do what he says now. "Go!"